miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

Meteoros en video (MetRec) : Feb, 5/6 a 9/10 2011

Meteoro captado por la camara MetRec: PARENI. operada por S. Aguirre , Hillo, Son Mexico.

Tema: meteoros.

comparto informe de video observacion de meteoros por las 3 camaras MetRec en America.
son: Bob Lunsford en San Diego, California y Carl Hergenrother en Tucson, USA
S. Aguirre. Hillo, Son, Mexico.

los datos resumidos:

SAL3 2011-02-10 11h 27m 11 11 0 - -
ALLS 2011-02-10 10h 42m 3 3 0 - -
SAL3 2011-02-09 11h 28m 12 12 0 - -
ALLS 2011-02-09 11h 57m 5 5 0 - -
HERM 2011-02-09 09h 55m 8 7 1 - -
SAL3 2011-02-08 11h 30m 12 10 2 - 0
ALLS 2011-02-08 11h 59m 6 6 0 - 0
SDG 2011-02-08 06h 38m 14 13 1 - 0
HERM 2011-02-08 08h 20m 13 12 0 - 1
SAL3 2011-02-07 11h 31m 8 7 1 - 0
ALLS 2011-02-07 11h 52m 9 8 0 - 1
SDG 2011-02-07 09h 53m 26 22 4 - 0
HERM 2011-02-07 11h 05m 6 6 0 - 0
SAL3 2011-02-06 11h 33m 14 13 1 0 0
ALLS 2011-02-06 12h 02m 8 7 1 0 0
SDG 2011-02-06 07h 37m 5 4 1 0 0

SAL3 - SALSA3 camera in Tucson (Carl Hergenrother)
ALLS - Near all-sky camera in Tucson (Carl Hergenrother)
VIST - Visual observations from Tucson (Carl Hergenrother)
VISH - Visual observations from Hermosillo (Salvador Aguirre)
HERM - PARENI camera in Hermosillo (Salvador Aguirre)
SDG - Camera in San Diego operated by Bob Lunsford

Time - Total amount of time each camera looked for meteors
TOT - Total number of meteors detected
SPO - Sporadics (meteors not affiliated with any particular meteor shower)
ANT - Antihelions
ACE - Alpha Centaurids
PIH - Pi Hydrids

credito: Carl Hergenrother.

salvador aguirre